View Full Version : 6 Click VS. 12 Click Magnets

10-10-2002, 07:03 AM
Hi Monty,

Do you think, a 12 click magnet is stronger or weaker then a 6 click magnet? Do you think that one or the other is a more desireable field? and when are their applications better versus each other??

Also, do you think 12 or 6 click magnets are better for C Can boxstock/Group 12?


10-10-2002, 07:25 PM

In ceramic motors, I prefer no clicks. It seems most of my best motors are the ones where you can hardly tell there are magnets there, just from turning them. This indicates a set of magnets that are as radially oriented as possible, and with the longer tips.

12 vs. 6 clicks seems to be more of a cobalt thing, but given the choice I would prefer the 12 point motor as it seems closer to the ideal of being perfectly smooth.

Remember, when your motor runs the armature is pushing away from the magnets, but the cog or click that you feel is the arm being pulled toward the magnets. You cannot use that feel as a measure of strength.

10-10-2002, 07:31 PM
I agree with you.....my 12 click motors are generally the best motors aswell....and as the strength of the magnets dies, or the motor heats up, it goes to being a 6 click motor and has slowed...

i was just wondering if my findings were consistant with yours


Paul Ciccarello
10-11-2002, 08:17 AM
Keep in mind that clicks/cog can change with different lamination material and blank designs. So you 12 clicker might turn into a 6 or vice versa. Like Mike Swiss told me, if we were pushing our cars around, smooth would be better but we are not pushing them. Just some more info for you to ponder.
