View Full Version : I have a Timming question

11-10-2002, 01:38 AM
what does the arm timming affect. and how high is two high.

and then what about endbell timming. sould i go counter clock wise or clock wise and what does that effect.

thanks monte.


11-12-2002, 03:20 PM
In a slotcar motor, timing is used to reduce efficiency which in turn increases current draw. The increased current produces a stronger field around the arm. Your armature pushes away from the permanent magnets in the motor to produce rotational motion.

In general, higher timing makes more speed, until the heating effect of high current cancels out the gains. This will occur at a different timing level for various winds, setups, magnets, track power level, and many other factors. Anotherwords, there is no magic number, and you have to fiddle to find out what is best in a given situation. There are also multiple solutions from variances in the other parameters.

Timing from the endbell is identical to timing the commutator, and you combine the two to get to a total. If you hold the motor so that you are looking at the endbell, then a clockwise advance on the endbell is added timing. Remember, if you have an armature that is timed too much, you can compensate by moving the endbell counter clock as well.