View Full Version : SMQ magnets

John Emmons
12-17-2002, 12:56 AM
Hi Monty,

It was good to see you at the meeting last week. Looking forward to the Winter Classic too.

I've built up a Proslot C can motor with SMQ magnets. I'm wondering what you would recommend for gear ratios? Specifically for a Group 10 car to be raced on the Korkscrew at Uncle Kal's. The motor has a high timed armature in it.
As I understand the basic concept behind using the SMQ's I should be running a smaller pinion than I normally do? I know that I'll need to test whatever I end up with but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter. My "normal" ratio for this class is 8/39, that's a Proslot can and hardware, Contender arm timed at 45 degrees.

If it makes a difference, I typically use the Champion steel Flexi chassis and the Mercedes ultimate body.


John Emmons

P.S. Please drop me an email I have a question regarding the tools we spoke about.

[email protected]

12-18-2002, 04:36 PM

They're not kidding you when they say a full tooth less on the pinion! At this year's FTW race at SouthHillSlots, 7 tooth pinions were common for both G10 and G12 racing. SHS has just a bit more straight than Uncle Kals, and is easily the closest track out there to being actually comparable to the Korkscrew.
See you Sunday!

12-19-2002, 08:54 PM
FYI: Most of the Group 10 motors we run up here are 38 deg arms. Typically we run 8/37 or 8/38 using either the Kelly can or the Proslot can. For group 12 we often run 7/38 using the strap cans.

12-20-2002, 12:03 AM

We haven't played with timing that low for Contenders in SoCal in as long as I can remember... but if we did, sure, an 8 tooth pinion sounds usable on Kal's roadcourse.

Greg Gilbert always orders motors in the mid-forties timing when he buys for Kal's, and I respect his judgement.

12-20-2002, 12:44 PM
The qualifying record holder for the IMCA Group 10 is a 36 degree Proslot millennium blank, Kelly can with 430 magnets (on the BOW scale) geared 8–37. Just my opinion, but such a soft motor makes the car easier to drive and on a flat twisty track, getting around the corners is by far the most important thing. That said, Greg G. and Chris Radisich have been very fast there using stronger mags and timing in the 40’s.

The contender motors I used at Slugfest with the SMQ magnets and 38 degree timing were fast at SHS but not so great at Kals. The x12 motors with the 38 degree, millennium blank, SMQ mags, Kelly can, were fast at SHS and fast on the Korkscrew. But again, several racers are very quick in GT12 using mura mags and timing in the 40’s. Sometimes you will see racers with the higher timed motors using a choke.

In case anyone in interested, here is a picture of the track we are talking about

http://www.unclekals.com/tracks.htm#Uncle Kal's Korkscrew

For those confused by the “Group 10”, under IMCA rules a group 10 car is like a USRA GT1 but with a semi-ultimate body (such as a Parma Magnum or OS 066i). A USRA group 10 uses a 16d motor.


A nice thing about SMQ mags is they make using a 7t pinion easy. 7-37 is worth a try. Use an angled spur gear.