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Phil I.
08-21-2008, 04:58 PM

I know sealed motors are not your fav. motors but.:o ...A long time ago I found that the old slotworks 3 coil springs worked well on the Parma sealed motors. I have finally gone threw my stash of springs and am now looking for a new spring to work on the Parma 502 motors. I never had good luck with the stockers. Any ideas? FX, CHAMPION,MURA,KOFORD......WHAT WORKS:confused: I have a stash of the old Champion soft but they are the short ones...


08-22-2008, 09:45 AM
Phil, in your sealed motor races, do the rules allow for installing aluminum spring cups?

08-22-2008, 03:39 PM

George makes a good point. If you can put a larger spring post on the endbell (and why not? the FX D motors already have them) then you have quite a few choices. Mura lights come to mind as being in between the stock springs and Champion or Koford springs in tension. Using a spring with a big coil on the scrawny Parma post causes lots of alignment issues.

I used the old Trinity bright plated springs on stock Chinese arms back in the day, and with the smaller dia. coils they fit the Parma post better.

Phil I.
08-22-2008, 03:57 PM

I had 8 sets of them when they quit making them. I am on my last 2 sets and when they get messed up.....I is in trouble:( ....

I don't know if I can use the larger spring cups...Gonna have to check...

I wonder if I can talk them into letting me replace the can bearing......I got one that is a screamer. I use it for racing only. Been threw 3 sets of gold dust brushes but the can bushing won't last another searies....


Bill from NH
08-22-2008, 06:46 PM
I wonder if I can talk them into letting me replace the can bearing......

Probably not Phil, unless you can change out the bushing without unsealing the motor.:D But are you sure it's the can bushing & not a worn arm shaft?:)

Phil I.
08-22-2008, 09:39 PM

As many races I have on the motor I don't know. Ever since the S7 bushing (mumble bi#$@) I have used a pure synthetic on all bushings & bearings. 5 WT. Mobil 1 and have real long life out of them & shafts.