View Full Version : 560 S16D arm (drag race application)

09-20-2008, 09:39 PM

After spending several weeks sorting out a car powered by a Parma 502 motor in a bracket car I decided to build a new motor based on the BOW 560 S16D arm you made for me. This armature was wrapped in a 502 can, Speed FX endbell and hardware, Slick 7 bushings, EXP magnets epoxied in to a 570 hole diameter and equipped with Gold Dust brushes and Speed FX springs.

For point of reference the old motor was a fully blueprinted 502 with EXP magnets, etc. Basicly the same motor was built with the exchange of end bell and armature the only difference. Magnets in both motors were within 5 gauss as a set. (the old motor actualy higher by this amount) Identical break in procedure observed. In other words these two motors were twins save the listed changes.

Bench test of both motors at 5.33 volts showed an increase of roughly 5,000 rpm!

I loaded this motor in the same car at the same weight (actually + 1 gram) after gear sorting was complete to evaluate the effect, as closely as possible of the armature change only.

Aside from the difference in diameters an aproximate 10 degrees of timing was added and a much better balance job than the Parma factory balance.
I run very low timing compaired to those running ProSlot or Viper arms.

Again in reference this on an 1/8 mile track, which, sorry, I forgot to mention on the BOW magnet zapper post.

Best gear was a bit shorter than previous and resulted in a .0377 second reduction in ET and an addtional 1.34 mph. These numbers are the average values of a minimum of ten passes per motor, 5 passes each lane. There is more here though as the test were done a week apart and the track was not in as good of shape as it was the week before. This has me 88/100 from the 5's in the mid 40 mph range in a 103 gram car. Now quickest S16D at the track and the place is littered with them. Second fastest car is over 20 grams ligther with a blue printed Speed FX set up and a hand wound Kelly high timed arm.

The biggest part of the gains came in the low to mid range power where 60 foot and half track times tumbled into the range of a single mag 20 motor!! I had to show the armature tag to get the guys to believe this was a 16. Nice job Monty.


09-21-2008, 09:10 AM

What was the car setup? Chassis, gears, tires, body, mounts, etc...

Great write up, btw.

09-21-2008, 07:51 PM
This car couldn’t be more vanilla. Parma Pro Stock Camaro Lexan body (Black) over a Parma Edge chassis. Lightened by cutting out the lower center section and replacing with .047 wire. Parma adjust-a-bush in front low position. AJS wheelie wheel set up..yep..HO wheels. Wire stiffener across top of motor mount to side rails after aligning the mount to axle centers. Rear high body mount JDS .050 tube and rigid to top rails as well. Front mount threw front axle. K&S .050 brass tube, Parma brass stops. Pins, Koford short. 3//32 drill blank axle 13/54 Sonic gear and not quite short enough yet. About 2 more teeth on the crown I’m guessing or 12/52. Tires are .535 wide X 1.064 tall JDS fish. Cut down 1-3/16. Fronts are Convo with the smaller O ring. Cohoza guide flag, standard height, DRS braid shortened 1/3. Slik 7 Glidex oil, Nap drops and Vodoo braid lube. TQ drag wire.

I can't think of anything else to give up other than exact motor timiing....Nah :) more than Parma and a bunch less than almost everyone else. There are cars that MPH higher by 2 to 4 but they can't make up what it will lay down on the 60 to half track numbers. .120 60 and @ .370 330 foot.
45 + arms are 60 in the .14+ and 330 over .45, I've had a pass or two with
.11 60's.

Get a few grams out, 90 is my target weight and a decent track and I believe mid .580 is possible.

Track is battery powered by series 8V so pushing 17 pre-stage but drops to 16.3 on a pass.

That help?


01-20-2009, 08:13 PM
Motor in need of a rebuild I swapped it out for a few weeks replacing it with a S-16D Outlaw FX motor I went through. 38* .520 arm. After a bit of gear sorting it ran identical ET's to the 560 S-16D motor. The Outlaw being a shade slower out of the gate but a few mph faster in the trap. Net/net the 560 is a good step up from the 520 format. Now I know exactly by how much. Thought other might find it interesting as well.

01-20-2009, 11:34 PM

The results don't surprise me, seeing as the outlaw arm is a shortstack. With lower resistance, but also less mass, you get more RPM and less torque. Now, if you were to try a shortstack .560 to get an apples vs. apples situation...

By the way, got your e-mail referencing the Mabuchi tech site, but didn't get any info I could quantify from it. What was your take, and why did you feel you had eaten a blackbird over it?

01-21-2009, 05:32 PM

I didn't want to choke up space on your forum to reply with tech stuff. It is yours :)

I replied in the drag race section under Motor Mania 7