View Full Version : X12 Tminig and type

12-26-2002, 10:59 AM
I run in a local Boxstock 12 class in my area on a older 155' Blue King that has fairly flat turns except for the high bank with very little spray glue. I currently run Kelly setups with mura magnets that I prepare myself using the proper tools and have had good success in winning races ,but I have been running the Proslot M blanks with 42 degrees timing and sometimes even 45 degrees. I gear my cars usually 9/39 or 9/40. I wanted to know if you thought I would be better off running the Intruder arms under these conditions and what timing would be best. Please let me know what you suggest for gearing if I do change arms. The track usually runs under slightly low power ,but they are planning on adding a new power supply to correct this.

01-01-2003, 09:46 PM
I believe the intruder blanks are more for glue racing, since they have more torque. I'm not too sure on this.


01-01-2003, 09:50 PM
If their is spray glue use the intruder if not run millenium,i run a kelly setup with mura mags and a 42deg. intruder,it runs fairly fast with a 9/38,but i run on a 150' engleman