View Full Version : enduro setup

01-12-2003, 12:30 PM

At DJ's we are running a 4 hour enduro. 30 minute heats, drivers switch at the 15 min mark. we have a 3 minute set-off. what would be a good motor set up. The track has low power. We are running 16d with parma or mura, american arms.(thats the only kind of arm we run in town, unbalanced 16d"cheap arms") The cars are gtp with a champion chassis. what woud be a good way to set this up?
My team mate and i are running the t-flex with light pan. (we may switch) we are stuck on which body to use. i have an ultimate intreped that i may use. What would be a good body for these. jim is often known for not bringing the glue around the whole turn, so a biter body is normaly used. we have not ran this class in over a year and i do not remember what works. what tire and gear would work well(1/8 inch axle, 48 pitch). 155' king

Thanks monty.
