View Full Version : Hello...
Multiracer II
02-16-2010, 05:31 PM
Please check your e-mail. Phone calls are so 1900's now !
I'll answer you after I quit work tonight (2 AM or so). Life has become very busy. drove 200 miles today to get parts to fix the ailing stack grinder. Another day behind... Sorry, I fell asleep at the computer last night, or should I say, early this morning.
Multiracer II
02-16-2010, 08:16 PM
Thanks. You should feel lucky to be this busy.
02-23-2010, 06:57 AM
Ron's got Wi-Fi in his dump truck so he can post while he waits to get loaded. A clean truck is an Idle truck!!
Yes, I received an attachment showing said truck, a very clean machine indeed. It must be quite happy.
02-23-2010, 04:17 PM
Multi has always been a clean and happy guy.
Tom Z.
03-17-2010, 07:16 PM
It is time to look at your e-mails again.
Multiracer II
04-15-2010, 04:36 PM
Please look at your e-mails.
Yes Ron,
I'm working on your armatures! I'm only human, trying hard not to become sub-human, and yes the dang races have been a distraction while I still try to follow from 2800 miles away. I am technically challenged, and most of my life was spent in the 1900's. If Radisich, Mazur, and Casey can all take a moment to call, so can you. I don't tweet, have no idea about facebook, and would rather fight my stack grinder than the keyboard.
M G Brown
04-15-2010, 06:36 PM
I'll run your Facebook page for ya Monty- it won't cost you TOO much.
My point is that I already spend too much time on the computer. Ergo, no joining Facebook. I also own only a $15 WalMart cell phone, no camera or texting capability, and it only goes with me if I'm traveling a long distance. I don't own a game platform, my DVD player is a cheapie. A lot of modern tech goodies are just a waste of time. I don't care who you are, time is the one thing there is never enough of, since life is finite. I even resent the time I spend sleeping, although I grudgeingly admit I must from time to time.
M G Brown
04-15-2010, 07:13 PM
Hence having someone else run the page for you- it's done more than you might imagine.
Multiracer II
05-11-2010, 02:03 PM
Next time you log on to OWH, remember to scan and reply to your e-mails.
Thanking you in advance. :cool:
05-11-2010, 07:00 PM
Write him a letter and send it snail mail.
Multiracer II
05-18-2010, 03:10 PM
Via PayPal on February 20th. The 90 day anniversary is right around the corner. On the 91st day I will request a full refund.
I could show a lot more patience if my money was not in play for this long.:confused:
Six out of ten arms are completed, setting on the bench. I 'm trying to have the others done by .... um... your deadline. You know, you ain't the only one, but you are the only one that won't dial a telephone for some reason (as chronicled above). Last time I wrote, you essentially told me no rush, they weren't for the GLISRA series races. Two words that should not be used around me... no rush... Now, do you feel better having redressed me in public? Do you realize that this seemingly short reply has taken me a half hour? I am a slow typist, but the major reason these things take me as long as they do is that I hold myself to the highest level of grammar that I can. Rewrite as much as necessary. You won't find much to fault on that level. Don't you wish that was more common on a written forum? You'll find the same degree of perfectionism in the armatures. I expect you'll like that too, but nothing will ever be said.
Multiracer II
05-20-2010, 03:20 AM
I will apologize in advance if my words leave you feeling slighted.
I have been through this same scenario before with another premier armature manufacture. After many thousands of dollars in purchases arriving with very little wait time I accepted the prepay terms.
Then came the one order that took longer than usual, after many e-mails and no response I came to find this manufacture was on "holiday" for several months. The order took almost five months to complete. The next order I placed came with a caveot........ "contact me when the order is complete and ready to ship and I will pay for it." This way it was up to him to accept the order, use his own money to produce it and reap the rewards when my payment hit his bank, kind of like 99.9 % of all other businesses in America. Shame on me for allowing this to happen again.
I would think if these armatures you produce are in such great demand that getting stung by a non paying customer would be easily solved by searching your order sheet and filling a partial order early.
I am not trying to slam your product Monty, but I am trying to understand and possibly help you with your business model.
Good luck and let me know something shipped today by typing a period and hitting the send button.
The last 4 arms have just gone in the oven. They come out around 9pm, and I will work as late as necessary to finish them off for posting tomorrow.
You and I are different animals... you get up early, I work late. Even hearing your tale of the other armature maker (and there aren't very many of us, why am I singled out for public complaint, and this other guy has had ten times as much of your business and still gets to be anonymous?) I find it curious that you admit to the same behaviour pattern: multiple e-mails, no phone calls. This after I've begged you to CALL FOR UPDATES, like 99.9 % OF ALL MY OTHER CUSTOMERS? They do call. They know that I lost two weeks of production waiting on laminations. They know my part timer had a heart attack and was out a week. They know I'm spending half my time this past week at a hospital where my housekeeper/personal assistant/ex-lady friend awaits surgury. See, I didn't really want to put all of that in print, and with a 5 minute phone call I wouldn't need to. But, you don't want to hear it...
Among the things I can't control are race schedules, but I try hard to make sure few if any of my customers miss a race on my account. I do alter my order schedules to suit upcoming race scheduling. As for my business model, I absorbed much of it from the guy I think you're referring to in your parable. The difference is that I don't get any holidays. I'm not very well off at all, I can't afford them. I've already admitted to being the only idiot willing to put as much work into a price controlled production arm as I do, while the other guys overpopulate the miniscule G7 market. My model works OK for me... and I wouldn't think of telling you how to market or schedule the use of your dumptruck. I'm sopposed to be retired/disabled, but that 'entitlement' doesn't cover the mortgage, never mind other living expeses. When you find yourself forced to drive and maintain the truck for a mere $10 an hour, just call me and we can cry on each other's shoulder.
And Spove, no third party wisecracks are really necessary.
P.S. - another hour lost to a less preferred and less precise mode of communication.
Multiracer II
05-21-2010, 03:12 AM
Dan Miller, PK Arms.
It can't possibly take you an hour to type this .
Phil I.
05-21-2010, 12:12 PM
Monty is a hunt & 2 finger peck on the keyboard. He IS a perfectionest and usually has to retype everything till it is RIGHT. Thats one reason his motors run so good. Besides. I learned, back in da ol daz, If he could plant a phone in his ear so that he could talk and work...HE WOULD. The only time I spent less than 20 min. talking with him was cause I was already late for the races.....No last min. practice. Test..Just made sure it would pass tech...Had too much traction & had to narrow the tires ON the car...On the break between heats....
05-21-2010, 12:47 PM
I recently had a phone call into Monty to order my BOW Zapper. 1.5 hours later I got more info and directions then I could ever ask for. We also discussed his timeline and my timeline. I had to give him an exact date for it to arrive which will be next friday at the latest as i am moving. I called for about 2 hours before he was done with another call so he could take mine. I guess sometimes it helps to walk or roll in another mans shoes. Just seems like a lack of communication here and I feel the points are made so lets move on. You Arms will be perfect!!
420 44054 9101 7850 9140 1531 1272 18
"Dan Miller, PK"
As I expected. My good friend and MENTOR, without whom I would not have nearly as nice a product as I do. Yes, I use his sales policies.
Hey, I knew of that vacation trip before it happened... because we TALK on occasion! I even shipped some materials to him at one of his US destinations enroute.
Fact is, its never been all that fast to access PK stuff, because its understandably in demand. At least he now takes Paypal: you used to have to send a postal money order, remember?
05-21-2010, 10:39 PM
email is still just mail. It my get to where you are sending it faster but it still carries a low priority in most bushiness. Important stuff is still mix in with loads of junk mail (SPAM). How many times have you sent someone and email only to have a filter or even the addressee delete it. Besides that most companies only check email twice a day, once in the morning and once after lunch. Even then you have to rely that the addressee is going to put the same priority on what he has received as you put on it when you sent it. So as you can see snail mail - email not much difference. If you have something important to convey to anyone you do business with you better either in person or by phone. The is an old saying that the squeaky wheel gets greased. This is especially true at a company with a production back log. JMHO
Scale Series
05-22-2010, 01:45 AM
email is still just mail. It my get to where you are sending it faster but it still carries a low priority in most bushiness. Important stuff is still mix in with loads of junk mail (SPAM). How many times have you sent someone and email only to have a filter or even the addressee delete it. Besides that most companies only check email twice a day, once in the morning and once after lunch. Even then you have to rely that the addressee is going to put the same priority on what he has received as you put on it when you sent it. So as you can see snail mail - email not much difference. If you have something important to convey to anyone you do business with you better either in person or by phone. The is an old saying that the squeaky wheel gets greased. This is especially true at a company with a production back log. JMHO
Idisagree. Until last Wednesday when I was layed off, I worked for a top 100 company in the world. Almost everything was done by email or IM. Email was for when you wanted a "Hard" copy. IM has replaced the phone call. Every management employee had a laptop and most of us would keep it on and with us all day. With the 50-100 emails / IM's I received daily, one coudn't just check them in the morning and after lunch. Proper email etiquette would be to title a for something like this would be like:Action requested: need X12 arms by 5-21-2010That way the recipient would know it wasn't spam and action was requested and the deadline. Obvioulsy more detail would be contained inside.
05-22-2010, 04:52 AM
Idisagree. Until last Wednesday when I was layed off, I worked for a top 100 company in the world. Almost everything was done by email or IM. Email was for when you wanted a "Hard" copy. IM has replaced the phone call. Every management employee had a laptop and most of us would keep it on and with us all day. With the 50-100 emails / IM's I received daily, one coudn't just check them in the morning and after lunch. Proper email etiquette would be to title a for something like this would be like:Action requested: need X12 arms by 5-21-2010That way the recipient would know it wasn't spam and action was requested and the deadline. Obvioulsy more detail would be contained inside.
I was just pondering the question... of when they laid you off... did they serve you the bad news via EMAIL or IM.... ???
sorry - I just couldn't resist.
(you obviously missed Monty's repeatedly typed point... possibly due to your being so "spoiled" by such modern forms of communication)
I find it more then a bit ironic... that so much written verbiage has been splurged in spite of the simple request: "CALL ME" :rolleyes:
Monty - best wishes & I hope things are getting better - hang in there. At least being overly busy and having demand exceed supply for your products is what is frequently reffered to in business as a "GOOD PROBLEM".
05-22-2010, 07:22 AM
Well, I probley should keep mouth shut but you know me lol,
I understand both sides of the story, but Monty always makes a point of telling everyone that he is NOT a high production, just pump them out co. Thats the reason his products are in such big demand. Granted, it may take a long time to get your finished product, but when you do, you know your getting the very best quality money can buy. Monty has taught me most everything I know about motor building, and I appreciate all the time he takes to answer all the questions that he gets bombed with. As busy as he is, he still takes the time to help teach fellow slot heads old and new. I think we should ALL be thanking him, not scolding him. This is not the place to be bad mouthing someone who has done as much as he, to help anyone he can.
I will take this time to thank you Monty for all the help you are always willing to give us. BTW Im not much of a typer either, but I manage to get the job done so I know what its like lol. I also cant spell worth a crap either !!!! Hahaha but my friends here dont seem to mind as I manage to get my point across. Remember,,, none of us are perfect at everything !!!!!
Ok, thats my 2 cents !!
05-22-2010, 09:28 AM
The way that Email is used at the top 100 companies may work for them but in the world of small business, like Monty’s, email is just what I said it is. The game is all about getting work out the door and money in the bank. Anything that detracts from that is a drain on production time. So like I said if you have something important to say to a small business owner you have to get there attention away from production and the best way to do that is in person. If that isn’t practical then the phone is the next best bet. I’ll bet Monty is like most small businesses and checks his voice mail regularly. Because in the world of small business if it’s important someone will call about it.
05-22-2010, 09:40 AM
Email in Large companies is used for 1 reason and 1 reason only......Politics. Your pissed at somebody and decide to send an email to them and BCC you boss on it. Way to many head games!! Pick up the phone and get to know who your doing business with. The best business conducted is on personal relationships. In sales one would learn people don't buy from the company, people buy from you.
Phone calls get results, email back and forth could take a week to get points across. How many times has somebody posted something in writting on OWH and it be taken a different way then what it was intended for? Speaking verbally to someone takes confusion out of the equasion and more importantly builds a relationship.
Scale Series
05-23-2010, 05:57 AM
Email in Large companies is used for 1 reason and 1 reason only......Politics. Your pissed at somebody and decide to send an email to them and BCC you boss on it. Way to many head games!! .
Not trying to be argumentative, but that wasn't what I seen.My inbox was used as a to do list. Completed email was stored in organized folders for record or deleted. Besides an average of 3 engineering changes per day, finishing up one models NPI (new product introduction) pilot build, gearing up for another models NPI pilot build, finishing up on a 1.2 M project from my previous work assignment and getting involved in a 900 K project started in my new area. That's allot of tasks, people working on tasks, being performed by many workgroups such as Operations, Logistics, Design Engineering, Quality, and my area of Manufacturing Engineering to be communicated and kept track of with oral communication. Trying to do so would be setting ones self up for failure
06-13-2010, 06:33 PM
SCALE YOU'RE AN IDIOT.... How's that for comunication... Stop wasting everyones time! Monty would prefer a phone call for the reasons he mentioned... That's it end of story! Get a life, another hobby, anything just move on!!!
Scale Series
06-13-2010, 06:51 PM
SCALE YOU'RE AN IDIOT.... How's that for comunication... Stop wasting everyones time! Monty would prefer a phone call for the reasons he mentioned... That's it end of story! Get a life, another hobby, anything just move on!!!
Boy, this thread has been dead since May 23, but you signed up just to make this your fist post on OWH? I'm not the one who needs a life ;)
06-14-2010, 04:11 AM
How can a five minute e-mail be more counter-productive than a one hour phone call? Ron, call him and say your sorry!
Multiracer II
06-14-2010, 02:47 PM
Monty does like to "chat".
I avoided the hard copper lines for a reason. I have plenty to accomplish on a daily basis, I plan ahead and stick to a schedule. It usually works out for both me and the customers.
P.S. Monty, the arms arrived, they look great but the end users will have to speak in this forum when they actually lay some voltage to them in a race car.
06-14-2010, 06:12 PM
Boy, this thread has been dead since May 23, but you signed up just to make this your fist post on OWH? I'm not the one who needs a life ;)
Sir, It is you that has been dead since May 23rd...
Scale Series
06-14-2010, 07:49 PM
Sir, It is you that has been dead since May 23rd...
Is that a threat or some lame attempt at being funny?
Ron got his arms move on to other threads little man.
Ron got his arms three weeks ago, he's prompt about everything but a simple acqknowledement. But, you are correct, this thread is dead.
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