View Full Version : Cobalt motor qestions...?

01-17-2003, 07:21 PM
Hi Monty!
Does anyone make a plastic endbell suitable for cobalt mini-motors (cobalt 12 etc).
What is the correct insulation technique used for brush hood to endbell on aluminum enbells? Epoxy? Insulators on harware screws only?


01-18-2003, 12:26 AM
I think you can still get some Alpha kits with plastic endbells...but....I recomend alum

01-18-2003, 11:37 PM

Alpha does indeed still sell the 'Thor" plastic endbell and matching aluminum hardware. It held up just fine as a Group 27 endbell throughout the 90's.

All aluminum endbells are anodized to avoid electrical conductivity. The hardware mounting screws will often cut into the anodized layer when tightened, and this is why small fiber or teflon washers should be used around these screws. A dab of epoxy will help stabilize the alignment of hardware on an aluminum endbell, but shouldn't be relied on for insulating purposes.

01-19-2003, 03:07 PM
Thanks Guys - Hey Monty any word on the Camen stuff...Can you get it...

Thanks, Darren..