View Full Version : Group 12 motor

08-13-2010, 02:15 PM
I looking to buy a Group 12 motor for my wing car. I race on 160' king. Is a Cahoza blueprinted motor worth the price. And would anyone else spend 150$ on a good group 12 motor. I'm never going to build one so. What should I be looking for. Thank you..

La Cucaracha
08-13-2010, 03:15 PM
$150 sounds high for a Box 12.
Maybe you are looking at Cobalt?
If you are running Box 12, you should get more than 1.
Get ahold of Monty, he`s a SoCal guy.

08-13-2010, 03:28 PM
that is the price of that motor sad but true. When you consider parts and labor its dead on. sure there are other ones a tad less koford has one for $109 I think. but a motor has to be built with the track your racing on in mind. No pre-built motor can do that.

08-13-2010, 04:13 PM
The thing about the Cahoza parts is that they are VERY accurate. Are they worth more than another brand? Depends on how much time you like to take straightening out parts. I will never buy another Koford Ultralight C-Can. They are SO SOFT that a light tap on the rear of the car can bend them. Thanks, but I'll take an extra bit of weight and have something that will survive the race.

I have a couple of the Cahoza setups and they are far superior to anything else on the market IMHO. Especially the slightly heavier ones.

BTW: The two Cahoza motors I got from Monty last season work AWESOME. ;)

08-13-2010, 04:23 PM
Mr. Slover,

Is that a Cahoza factory built motor, or something Bob is building with Cahoza parts? I sure don't wanna get on Scott's bad side, but that does seem to be up there. On the other hand, what are the specs? The only G12 motor I ever charged that much for was indeed Cahoza parts (they are pricey) but it was dual ball bearing, shunted, insulated, aluminum endbell, and honed for a .540" dia. armature - i.e., not a wingcar motor.

My personal record for a plastic endbell motor is $126.

For a wing motor (.518" arm) I've been to $120. That wasn't USRA amateur legal because of the shunts and endbell bearing.

In that case, I have been to $110

And yes, before anyone asks, I am willing to give Scott full raceway discount on those prices - but there will be a substantial lead time. Those are fully blueprinted motors. As any of my raceway customers will attest, I do ask lots of questions so I know about the track and power.

I know there are bluprinters who charge more than I do, yet there are still some who call to ask for quotes and tell me I'm too expensive! Go figure...

FWIW, if you can keep it off the walls, a wingcar motor on a higher power track would be faster with a Koford can, and maybe even the Koford magnets. These are less expensive than Cahoza. The Koford magnets are stronger, so it depends on just how powerful the track supply is. If the track power IS all that strong, you might indeed need more than 1 motor. Definitely so if the race is a glue race.

Finally, you're not racing on a King, its a King Cobra. Faster donut and leadon, slower deadman and finger. A king has one more corner, a roughly 90* bend just before going under the bridge. There are line drawings of the common track layouts somewhere here at OWH. I'm no good at operating the advanced search features, but someone will surely post the link for you.

08-13-2010, 07:18 PM
Thank you very one. I'm just so new to the sport. I just like to hear other people opinion. And I learn a lot from everyone. Scott and Bob laugh because I won a few races and beat Scott last week with a car out of the show case..But Bob did work on the motor a little bit. He made it scream. I really like all the people I have met so far racing slotcar!! If it was for Scott and Bob I would be racing. I learn fast, I just changed my first gear last race! :)

08-13-2010, 08:31 PM

I race there also, as far as there power, I forget what it was,, but I think it was more like 13.4 or close to it, I run a Koford set-up with a 45deg arm m606 mags. I can depending on the track being clean or not, run a 2.5 to 2.7 my motors run up to four races before I rebuild. air gap .534, Oh that's a 518 arm I did a list of parts used, came to $96 thats doing end bell kit ,gluing mags myself. In this class we run here shunts, and full bearings are all good. Bob builds great motors for this track. I can't see any one building one better then him on his track. set up and driving plays a part also.

08-13-2010, 11:31 PM
After talking with scott on many ocassiuons I know he has told me the track power is 13.4V. I have also dealt with monty and can atest you wont find a better motor. He can build you anything you want and in the price range your looking for. J~ give monty a call and talk with him, but grab a coke, note pad and make sure you have plenty of time. He is very good at what he does and will give you more info then the brain can handle. It's 11:30PM I bet he answeres the phone tonight also