View Full Version : Nor Cal Retro @ Slotcar Raceway JULY 17th

Frank S
07-05-2011, 02:12 PM
Come join us for some retro fun!! Open @ 11am ...race @ 1PM sharp.......Race on the Testarossa and the Blue King!!

07-07-2011, 10:42 AM
I have finished a couple of new 1/32 Can Ams and now have a total of three. I know Russki will have at least a couple so if time and interest permits, we might have a litlle "demo" race or maybe an IROC type deal so guys can try out some various motor combos. I currently have a stock Hawk motor in one, a Puppy Dog in one and a S-7 MB in the third. I think the Hawk is too fast and the PD might be as well. I know the S-7 will be fine but it's a little problematic to build around. I'm going to get some test laps @ FTH this afternoon and I will buy a China Dog or two and some more 1/32 bodies if Dwight has them.

I should get down to SCR for practice next week but if not, I'll be there for sure Sat nite. I am playing with some very new stuff for Stock Car and Can Am but dunno yet how it'll all shake out. Gots lotsa fast loaners as always.

07-07-2011, 11:29 AM
IROC style races are great - especially for promoting interest in a new class! (I'm a big fan of IROC style races)

In this case - having an IROC race might accomplish at least a few things...

1 - letting racers who don't have these cars yet try them out (often results in them building cars for the class).
2 - you actually gain entrees, since you can even run a round robin if needed, while not needing more then 8 cars.
3 - using one car per lane, with just the drivers rotating - it not only makes it fair for the drivers, but by also comparing lap totals & speeds per car/lane, you can get an idea of how the different motors compare.

Sounds like fun! Be sure to post results, as well as what you find out about how the different motors fared!

07-11-2011, 11:23 PM
Hey Frank & Jim! I will see yous and the rest of the crowd there. If any of the Fast Track boys need help getting there let me know(Fester) Gus in Sacto

team burrito
07-12-2011, 10:06 AM
Hey Frank & Jim! I will see yous and the rest of the crowd there. If any of the Fast Track boys need help getting there let me know(Fester) Gus in Sacto
You might want to ask Bobby if he wants to come down, if he's not too beat-up from SoCal. :whistling:

07-12-2011, 01:32 PM
Hey Russ! I believe Bob is showing. I was just offering to those who may have transportation problems. If no takers then I'll probably ride with Bob. Those bruises from BPR are just now fading. Gus in Sacto

Frank S
07-15-2011, 08:55 PM
Looks like a good race this Sunday....you guys that are comin'Saturday we have a few casual races you might want to do starting @6pm....see ya tomorrow!!

07-15-2011, 10:38 PM
Well now! Bob is not showing and I'll be there Sat afternoon. Gus in Sacto

07-18-2011, 03:37 PM
..always a surprise to find that I am being discussed by my classmates :0) sorry, I could not make the day at Frank's but it was not because SoCal beat me up in any way. I actually accomplished my goals at BPR (a podium finish in my qualifying race) .. and had I not out qualified my car in CanAm, I might have done it twice (groan) Happy to read that you guys had a great day at SCR and that Gary returned as if he was never absent. Hope to see you all again at TnT!

07-18-2011, 09:38 PM
Hey Bob! My TUM was not a fan to be recognized. Not feeling good all week-end. I enjoyed the company but thats all. How was Tahoe and did you get my "Barkley" autograph? Gus in Sacto.