View Full Version : 2014 American Flat Track Worlds - Thanks!

07-28-2014, 09:50 AM
2014 American Flat Track Worlds - A message from Jim Radford (reposted from Facebook):
(photos by Jim Radford / Pacific Slot Car Raceways)

"Diane and I would like to thank the participants this year in the 2014 Flat Track Worlds, the competition was as good as ever with some races being won or last in the last few seconds of the race. It was great of Michael Colvin to bring with him his other son Tyler and Wife Kimberly with them to participate and enjoy this event. Also a big thanks to Herman Alondas James for making the trek and fighting the good fight the whole week long. We hope everyone had as much fun as we did and we look forward to next years Flats."

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Photos courtesy of Pacific Slot Car Raceways


2014 American Flat Track Worlds - Facebook Page:

PSCR American Flat Track Worlds Photo Gallery: